incoming Transmission to A great friend - "A toast to what you've left behind.."
"To the best crew any user ever had, this may be the last time we're alltogether, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us.. a very important part, will always remain here on ....-Sky."
Har en foreløpig avtale på en byggmester fra toten (byggmester + 2 mann) på selve huset. Graver, rørlegger og el er på plass for å starte så fort igangsettingstilatelsen er gitt.
kjørte forbi deg i går,så fint ut!Har du vært i avisa enda?
incoming Transmission to A great friend - "A toast to what you've left behind.."
"To the best crew any user ever had, this may be the last time we're alltogether, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us.. a very important part, will always remain here on ....-Sky."
Gratulerer,ja tenkte på det,er jo litt nyserig på hvem du er dah.
incoming Transmission to A great friend - "A toast to what you've left behind.."
"To the best crew any user ever had, this may be the last time we're alltogether, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us.. a very important part, will always remain here on ....-Sky."
"To the best crew any user ever had, this may be the last time we're alltogether, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us.. a very important part, will always remain here on ....-Sky."
Et par bilder på bloggen:
Det kommer, har ikke spikra den helt enda
"To the best crew any user ever had, this may be the last time we're alltogether, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us.. a very important part, will always remain here on ....-Sky."
Ja, det ble greit :)
Avisa sier du, med tanken på familieforøkelsen? Vi missa fotografen, men sender inn bilde selv
"To the best crew any user ever had, this may be the last time we're alltogether, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us.. a very important part, will always remain here on ....-Sky."