Demystifying Stainless Steel Coils: 300 Series vs. 400 Series
不锈钢就像一个装满不同工具的工具箱,每种工具都针对特定的工作而设计。在此工具箱中,您将找到两种流行的套件:300 系列和 400 系列。让我们简单地分解一下,以便您可以为您的项目选择正确的工具。
300 系列不锈钢卷:不锈钢超级英雄
成分: 300 系列,也称为奥氏体不锈钢,是耐腐蚀的超级明星。它很艰难,可以应对困难的情况。这里的主要玩家是304和316。

400 系列不锈钢卷:坚韧的饼干
成分:400 系列是马氏体不锈钢,以其韧性而闻名。它有点像蝙蝠侠——强大而可靠。
Corrosion Resistance: The 300 Series is like a shield against corrosion – it's excellent at resisting rust and staining. The 400 Series is decent but not as resistant.
Strength and Hardness: The 300 Series is flexible and tough, like a superhero's suit. The 400 Series is strong and hard, ideal for heavy-duty tasks.
Magnetic Properties: The 300 Series is usually non-magnetic unless you work some magic on it. The 400 Series loves magnets, so it's your pick if you need something magnetic.
选择您的英雄:如果您需要顶级的耐腐蚀性和多功能性,300 系列就是您的复仇者团队。但如果您追求力量、硬度,并且不介意一点吸引力,400 系列就是您的 X 战警小队。
300 系列不锈钢卷:不锈钢超级英雄
成分: 300 系列,也称为奥氏体不锈钢,是耐腐蚀的超级明星。它很艰难,可以应对困难的情况。这里的主要玩家是304和316。

- [left]304不锈钢:可以把它想象成不锈钢的钢铁侠套装。它含有 18% 的铬和 8% 的镍,具有极强的耐腐蚀性。它是厨房用具和食品加工设备的首选。[/left]
- [left]316 不锈钢:这就像不锈钢的超级英雄团队。它含有 16-18% 铬、10-14% 镍和 2-3% 钼。这种组合使它几乎坚不可摧。您会在船舶设备、医疗工具等中找到它。[/left]
400 系列不锈钢卷:坚韧的饼干
成分:400 系列是马氏体不锈钢,以其韧性而闻名。它有点像蝙蝠侠——强大而可靠。
- [left]430 不锈钢:将其想象为值得信赖的伙伴。它含有 16-18% 的铬,具有足够的耐腐蚀性,适合餐具和电器等日常用品。另外,它是有磁性的![/left]
- [left]410 Stainless Steel: This one's your reliable bodyguard. It packs 11.5-13.5% chromium and offers good corrosion resistance. You'll spot it in things like fasteners and valves.[/left]
Corrosion Resistance: The 300 Series is like a shield against corrosion – it's excellent at resisting rust and staining. The 400 Series is decent but not as resistant.
Strength and Hardness: The 300 Series is flexible and tough, like a superhero's suit. The 400 Series is strong and hard, ideal for heavy-duty tasks.
Magnetic Properties: The 300 Series is usually non-magnetic unless you work some magic on it. The 400 Series loves magnets, so it's your pick if you need something magnetic.
选择您的英雄:如果您需要顶级的耐腐蚀性和多功能性,300 系列就是您的复仇者团队。但如果您追求力量、硬度,并且不介意一点吸引力,400 系列就是您的 X 战警小队。