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Siste redigering: Thursday, November 23, 2017 7:54:35 PM av rsamdal

 241     0
Den store xComfort – SHC – Sensio tråden -  - Runnerboy

Hvis gulvsensor skal være hoved føler. Da skal vel sensor stå på temperaturverdi ikke Sjaltekomando ,men hva er forskjellen på disse?

 9     0
Da var vist SHC 2.2.2 tilgjengelig hos meg.

Hotfix 2: Eaton-SHC-7.5-2.2.2
Solved problem reports (Hotfix 1 incuded)
SHC-2224 – False timeouts relating Room Controller Touch in log file were eliminated
SHC-2158 – Apple Push Notification Keys updated
SHC-2219 – Macro events for functions not available in macros
 429     1
Features and Enhancements
New xComfort Room Controller Touch support
Room Controller Touch supported in Climate Function
Climate Function mode and parameters configurable from Room Controller Touch
RF module firmware (2.20) has to be updated to support new Room Controller Touch
Climate Function Update
If the protection time is defined for Climate Function in the Web Admin Console a window pop ups to inform on the required configuration of cyclic sending time in MRF
Climate function stops heating based on zone temperature and setpoint regardless of Radiator Valve position
When learning mode is selected the inertia value is set to “Slow” by default and it is not possible to switch off the inertia
Temperature sensor timeout is available as macro trigger
Floor heating protection temperature range extended to a range 20–60ºC
Floor heating actuators available to limit protection function only to floor heating
Climate type can be controlled by macro
Main heating device is controlled only by climate zone where the device is enabled
Planner Update
When you start editing a planner event the whole group of events is highlighted so you can see what will be changed.
You can easily recognize single and group planner events.
Improved handling of planner with large number of events including saving process.
It is possible to use diacritics for APN and GCM messages
It is possible to use diacritics for user name and password
Changes in handling of internal logging files to improve stability of the system
Improved handling of internal SHC configuration to avoid stability issue
Improved internal processing of sensor values so there is consistent information on sensor value in all user interfaces
Improved user passwords encoding during SHC cfg backup / restore
Changes of device configuration trigger function re-initialization so functions reflect actual device configuration
Several localization problems were fixed
MRF Releases
MRF 2.52 Final
RF V2.20 firmware supported
new SA device function "Floor Heating actuator"
MRF 2.54 Final
Full support of RCT

Fixed Issues
Automatic switching of climate to protection mode and back based on window sensors is not reliable
Issue with proper handling of more than one window sensor was fixed.

Camera configuration not correctly saved, missing camera in zone after update
Existing cameras keeps the same ID after import or configuration so the system can use them in a proper way.

Light devices are listed twice in the list, double light icons in dashboard
For a specific configuration of switching actuators it could be that multiple light icons were presented in dashboard or switching actuators could be listed more times during macro configuration. Such incorrect behavior was fixed.

Devices deleted from zone can be still available for function configuration
Devices deleted from zone could be still available in previously configured functions. Such incorrect behavior was fixed and devices are now available for functions only if they are assigned to the respective zone.

Switching actuator configured for heating available in status and control function
If function of a switching actuator device was changed in Web Admin/System/Devices to heating the device was still available in status and control function if it was enabled for the status and control function previously. Heating devices are not now available in status and control after such re-configuration.

Encoded passwords in SHC configuration
A possibility to get double encoded password in the SHC configuration during export was eliminated.

Changes to device configuration can't be saved or saving takes a lot of time
The way of internal saving of SHC configuration was improved so saving is now done for specific part of configuration only.

The system turn on the heating even if the measured temperature is above the set temperature
Climate function was updated to eliminate problems that could be caused by floor protection function.

An offset to climate function event is applied when inertia is switched off
Climate function was updated to eliminate problems that could be caused by floor protection function.

Trigger events in macro for various device functions
Adjusted the available trigger events for the various device functions.

Alarm function with smoke sensor
The binary input defined for smoke function is now working correctly in the alarm function.

Offset in the System/Devices for energy sensors doesn't influence the energy function
Both Offset and Basic Value had to be set to a numeric value to have offset functions working. If the value is not configured it is handled as zero now.

Planner event created in Web View as Sunrise / Sunset is presented as 12:00 time event instead
If User created a planner event for Sunrise / Sunset and then tried to create next Sunrise / Sunset event, the event was created and presented as 12:00 time event.

Missing multi heating actuator icons in Macro function
References to icons were fixed.

Deleted planner events are present and active after reboot of SHC
If no other configuration action was done for planner events than deleting, the result of such action was not stored to SHC configuration and after reboot deleted planner events were present again in the system.

Binary Input events description in recording files, content of recordings is not correct
The description of events in recording files was reviewed and fixed so the content contains understandable information for the user.

Web client can't show alarm and system events
The SHC saves the history of all Alarm Events and System Events. The problem was that the information couldn’t be retrieved and shown in case there is too much history data. SHC and Web Client was updated so user can scroll through history data.

xComfort devices can’t communicate with SHC after import of configuration
The synchronization of SHC system startup was improved so communication protocol handlers are started in the required order to eliminate possible problems with RF communication after import or reboot of SHC.

Status of switching/dimming actuator in Web View is not updated
System was updated so the status of switching/dimming actuators in Web View reflects current status of the actuator.

If user changes the climate setpoints from the Admin Console, the actual setpoint on the Web View dashboard remains unchanged
Web View data are now synchronized with Web Admin so the same setpoints are shown in the Function tab of Web Admin, Web View and dashboard of the Climate Function.

Outside Temperature not shown in Dashboard
Functions are re-initialized on device configuration changes properly so they reflect correctly actual configuration.

SHC doesn't support the Group of Analog Actuators
Analog Actuator groups are visible under devices and now it is possible to use them in configuration of zones.

Icon for locked actuator is missing in Web View
Missing icon is now available.

The number of switched-on lights is not correctly shown
Group devices were included in the total number of switched-on lights. It was corrected so only real devices are counted.

Status and control function doesn’t show correctly binary input of markers
Custom On / Off for binary input of markers is now used correctly.

System can’t start after power off / power on
In specific situation the system can’t start after re-power any more. This can be eliminated by update of boot loader which is available in Web Admin, Diagnostics section. The update button is available only in the case the update is applicable to the specific SHC, it is recommended to perform the update if it is available.

Missing macros after restart
The way how configuration is stored was improved.

Known Issues
Macro doesn’t work after changing the device type
In case a device type is changed which is already used in a macro, it is possible that the state values does not match the new type anymore. In this case the macros doesn’t work anymore. Always edit the changed devices in macros.
Planner event name “null”
A Planner event pointing to a deleted macro will show “null” instead of the deleted macro name. Workaround: Remove the Planner event.
Users are deleted after import MRF file
SHC configuration file can be created both by MRF and SHC Web Admin Console. Be sure that all changes done by SHC Web Admin Console are present in back-up and the back-up is imported into MRF project before you export SHC configuration from MRF and use the configuration in SHC.
E.g. if users are created in the SHC but not yet imported in MRF the Users will be deleted after import of the MRF file which not contain this information.
Status & Control Function order of devices
The order and display preferences of devices in the Status & Control Function is only supported in the Web View. Workaround: If the order of Devices needs to be changed, login via a browser as Advanced User and click the edit button in the Status & Control Function.
Alarm Function Armed/Disarmed in Main Dashboard
The Alarm Function Armed/Disarmed Tile in the Main Dashboard is only supported in the Web View. Workaround: Enable/Disable the Alarm in Scenes (like Sleep, Away, Armed or Disarmed). Enable the Scene buttons to show on the Main Dashboard.
Workarounds in case of update from 1.1.30 -> 2.x.x
ECIs should be on-line
In case of a 1.1.30 update all ECIs in the system should be on-line during the update. Always make a backup of your system before starting the update. In case of missing devices after the update, use the MRF tool to convert your configuration files (SHC cfg, MRF project) to the new format and import the converted configuration to your SHC.
Group devices not displayed correctly
Importing 1.1.30 SHC configuration to SHC 2.0 may result in problem with group devices not displayed correctly: Import the 1.1.30 SHC configuration in MRF, do the export of configuration in MRF and then import the "new" configuration into SHC.
Old devices can appear again
Recently removed devices can appear again after update: Use MRF to remove these group devices and then import the new configuration in the SHC.
Missing group devices in Macros or Scenes
In case of missing group devices in Macros or Scenes after the update: Check the Macros/Scenes for missing group devices and replace the missing group with the existing one. The name of the group devices can be found in the System/Devices tab.

Hotfix 1: Eaton-SHC-7.5-2.2.1
SHC-2079 – Improved handling of Climate function on Battery Driven Valve events, less RF telegrams used now
SHC-1567 – Improved home function initialization during startup.
Time Zone relating changes:
SHC-2080 - Added possibility to define own Time Zone location with longitude and latitude
SHC-1823 – Correct encoding / displaying of characters in location names
SHC-1809 – List of time zone cities updated
Solved problem reports
SHC-2093 – Solved an issue of Status Control Function that could utilize system by extensive logging
SHC-2092 – Solved issue where Climate Type change (OFF) was not stored permanently so after restart climate function could be on again
SHC-2088 - Macro triggers are not displayed
SHC-2132 - Macros stop working when enabled using planner events
SHC-2089 – Solved issues of Binary Inputs of new dimming actuator. If used in modes 2 and 3 it was not available in Device Tab of Web Admin
SHC-2087 – Solved issue with double encoded passwords that prevented login to the system
SHC-2082 – For some specific configurations the status of group shutter actuator in Web GUI and Apps is now presented correctly
SHC-2095 - RF module firmware update is available to address reported issue with incorrect status of switching actuators (v2.21)
SHC-2088 – Solved issue with Macro triggers that are not displayed for alarm and mold functions
SHC-2077 – Issues with presentation of system events were solved
SHC-2096 – Solved correct translation of alarm trigger events home / away in all languages
SHC-2098 - Boot loader update button is not available for some old SHC controllers

Hotfix 2: Eaton-SHC-7.5-2.2.2
Solved problem reports (Hotfix 1 incuded)
SHC-2224 – False timeouts relating Room Controller Touch in log file were eliminated
SHC-2158 – Apple Push Notification Keys updated
SHC-2219 – Macro events for functions not available in macros

 21     0
Noen som har fått oppgradert til 7.5-2.2.2? Laster ned og virker som den fullfører men når shc`n er oppe igjen står det fortsatt oppgrader til 2.2.2!

 1,312     Skedsmo     0
Noen som har fått oppgradert til 7.5-2.2.2? Laster ned og virker som den fullfører men når shc`n er oppe igjen står det fortsatt oppgrader til 2.2.2!

Jeg har oppgradert begge min SHC's til 2.2.2, ikke noen problemer så langt.

Prøv å bruk en annen browser eller slett browser cache.
 21     0
Fikk oppgradert jeg å no, så da er det bare å se om det er noe som blir merkelig da.
Ser at funksjonen med " set custom location" bare delvis er tilgjengelig i nye, denne var her i 2.2.1. Kun teksten som er her i 2.2.2 og man får ikke legge inn noen verdier.
 21     0
Jeg har en del problemer med oppvarming for tiden. Oppgraderte til 2.21, gikk tilbake til 2.20 og har lagt til 2 stk RCT. Nå fungerer panelovnene dårlig (styres av CHAZ 01/01). Noen ovner står på hele tiden, men andre aldri går på. Har forsøkt å slette forbindelse i MRF, men samme resultat.

Har lignende problem med ovner styrt av RCT på en ny installasjon. Temperaturen varier med opptil 3 grader, som er alt for dårlig. Har konfigurert RCT med hyppig sending av tempverdier, men i løpet av et døgn er det bare ca 30 meldinger mottatt av SHC. Vurderer å slette hele installasjonen og resette SHC.

Den store xComfort – SHC – Sensio tråden -  - Runnerboy

På en annen installasjon (hytta) fungerer temperaturstyringen 100% stabilt, der bruker jeg CTEU-02/01 og gammel RC. Hittil er jeg overhodet ikke fornøyd med RCT og angrer på at jeg kjøpte 10 stykker.... Er det noen som overhodet har funnet at lyssensoren kan brukes til noe fornuftig? Fuktmålingen har elendig responstid, mistenker at temperaturmålingen sliter med det samme. Ser på den ene RCT som har en ekstern PT-1000 (utetemperatur) at denne kanalen sender +300 meldinger i døgnet, mens den samme enhetens innebygde tempføler sender ca 40.

RCT lever overhodet ikke opp til forventningene, her bør Eaton få fortgang i firmware utviklingen sin.

Har 4 anlegg som kjører med Shc og Rct bare rør alt sammen, trodde det ble bedre etter Rtc 1.17 men sliter fortsatt med at batterier lader seg ut.
At det kommer opp med spørsmålstegn er nå borte.
Spesielt etter at jeg har satt dem til 3 timer på beskyttelse tidsur og de sender med 55 minutter på forespørsel.
Alle disse anleggene er oppgradert til 2.21 Shc så nedgradert til 2.20 og 1.17 på RCT
(jeg rakk aldri og sjekke om de var bedre med 2.20 og 1.17 før jeg startet og oppgradere til 2.21.
Har sjekket loggen på stabilitet på temperatur og de fleste rom klarer +/- 1 grad ,noen rom har jeg hatt problemer ,men da sletter jeg alltid datakoblingen i Rf og tegner opp på nytt til nytt datapunkt(ikke det samme) og laster opp igjen. Da blir de ok også.

Enig Rct er Beta produkt ennå, skulle aldri vært lansert før firmware er skikkelig på disse + at klemmene må blir bedre til batteriene.

Ang Lyx og fukt måler har jeg ikke greie på har ikke testet de ennå.

NB! Har nå solgt 3 anlegg til men da med CRCA-00/04 romtermostat.
Har totalt 13 anlegg oppe med disse og det er 0 problemer så Eaton kan si og mene hva de vil om Rct ,men jeg mener de er Beta en så lenge...
Jeg maser på Eaton og ber dem blir mer nøye på kvalitetsikre firmware kontra og styre med nye produkter. Det oppleves useriøst at vi som slutt leverandører/bruker skal drive og være test kanin for produkter de tror er bra nok.
Alt annet de har fungerer bra så det er kun dette igjen nå + litt patching på shc så er dem i mål igjen for denne gang...
Vi får se...

Bra det ikke bare er jeg som sliter med at batteriene lader seg ut og at RCT oppfører seg merkelig til tider. Når jeg snakker med Eaton så er det bare jeg som har det problemet sier dem som vanlig...
Håpløst, ble bedre med versjon 1.17 men opplever fortsatt at det er heng på oppdatteringer av RCT, trykker jeg på RCT så spretter plutselig gradene opp til riktig verdi...