Er det noen som vet om Rossi og CBB deltar på årets "Bygg Reis Deg"?
Audi og VW har mange flotte bilmodeller, men dårlig kvalitet, skyhøye verkstedregninger og nedlatende kundebehandlig gjennom mange år har ført til at jeg har lovet meg selv på tro og ære at jeg resten av livet aldri skal kjøpe noe som helst hos VAG igjen. Aldri.
Dæven den var artig. Etterstad Barnehage. ;D ;D Hvor tar du det fra.
Du var fornøyd selv med den Torango, myye bedre enn svindelpåstandene du har blitt litt rævkjørt på. :D
For det er litt vanskelig å påstå at Rossi vil svindle folk når han ikke lar noen få investere eller kjøpe noe av prosjektet. Ikke skriver han artikler heller som en kan påstå er svindel eller feilaktige. Da er det mye bedre å snakke om Etterstad Barnehage. Hørte du skulle ha stand på Etterstad Barnehage om svindelfaren i barnehagen. Myye svindel du kan ta tak i barnehagen Torango.
Langt sprang fra en test til en underavdeling for Rossi og CBB i Etterstad barnehage.
11/01354-1 X Dok.dato: 21072011 Jour.dato: 29072011 Arkivdel: SAK01 Tilg. kode: UO Par.: Offl § 23 første ledd Avsender: Eiendomsavdelingen Sak: Anskaffelse av CBB- energisentral med tilhørende Best Board system - Fou- prosjekt Dok: Drammensveien 33 B - Skillebekk barnehage - anskaffelse av CBB energisentral med Best Board system - FOU prosjekt - signert kontrakt Saksansv: Eiendomsavdelingen Saksbeh: Eiendomsavdelingen 11/01354-2 X Dok.dato: 19072011 Jour.dato: 29072011 Arkivdel: SAK01 Tilg. kode: UO Par.: Offl § 23 første ledd Avsender: Eiendomsavdelingen Sak: Anskaffelse av CBB- energisentral med tilhørende Best Board system - Fou- prosjekt Dok: Etterstad barnehager - anskaffelse av CBB energisentral med Best Board system - FOU prosjekt - kontrakt til signering Saksansv: Eiendomsavdelingen Saksbeh: Eiendomsavdelingen Side4
Rossi avviste denne siden først som svindel, men har siden "akseptert" den: [quote="AR"]October 12th, 2011 at 1:54 AM Dear Zeus AND Mr John Michell: Now I see: I didn’t check the site, I receive too much emails to read the links…Probably this has been an excess of enthusiasm due to a misunderstanding. Please, Mr John Michell: just take it off and the case is closed. Warm Regards, Andrea Rossi[/quote] For the record, siden er fremdeles operativ.
I Freaud diskusjonen (rundt den siden til John Michell) har en bruker "Thicket" laget en laaang liste med indisier på at dette er svindel [quote="Thicket"] Thicket October 12, 2011 - 4:45 pm | Permalink
In my opinion, there is no irrefutable evidence that Rossi does or does not have what he claims. Nevertheless, there is a preponderance of information and evidence that the ECat claims are not real. Here is a partial list of information and evidence.
• University of Uppsala measured nickel and copper compounds in Rossi-supplied used ECat catalyst. Swedish physics professor Kjell Aleklett stated that copper isotope ratios were found to be the same as in nature and not what would be expected from a fusion reaction. Also, the percentage of copper was too high for any known nickel reaction.
• Kullander and Essen’s trip to witness an ECat demonstration was paid for by Rossi.
• Rossi claims that there is a self-destruct mechanism on the E-cat fusion reactor that prohibits unauthorized inspection of the internals.
• Rossi has five criminal convictions including two jail terms for the ‘sheik of Brianza’. Rossi was a fraud.
• Petroldragon was a failed venture. Despite claims of technology that converted waste to oil, there is no evidence of any oil production.
• Thermoelectric converter technology provided for the U.S. Department of Defense was a failure. Only eight of twenty-seven devices functioned. They produced 1 watt of power versus the 800 to 1000 watts claimed. Later devices produced no more than regular devices commercially available.
• Rossi has a fraudulent degree from fraudulent Kensington University.
• Rossi claims that the ECat is ready for commercialization, yet he appeals to folks to come up with a cold fusion plant design that he will pay for. He wants it to cost around 500 Euros per kW. He needs it in the next two months.
• NASA study shows that steam production from a Rossi demonstration could come from electrical heater input.
• Julian Brown from the European Patent Office was a Rossi supporter. He witnessed an ECat demonstration and concluded that the ECat technology wasn’t real.
• Long-time LENR supporter, and initial Rossi supporter Steven Krivit changes his mind after witnessing an ECat demonstration.
• Rossi says that there are no Ecats except with him. Rossi also says that there are 97 Ecats in continuous operation in 4 countries.
• Rossi says that the ECat operates at about 500 deg.C. Rossi also says that the ECat operates at about 1500 deg. C which is above the melting point of nickel used in his catalyst.
• Rossi calls detractors ‘snakes and clowns’, some paid, with various despicable agendas. He states that he is being blackmailed.
• Rossi has had at least twelve ‘demonstrations’, none of which have credibly demonstrated the ECat technology.
• The latest October 6 ECat demonstration is saddled with extraneous unnecessary equipment (e.g. heat exchanger) that complicate measurements.
• The October ECat demonstration weight measurements were determined by a bathroom digital scale calibrated by two men who knew their weight.
• Rossi’s demonstrations show small temperature differences when a simple reduction in water flow would show large and easily measurable temperatures difference.
• Rossi’s public demonstrations usually have unnecessary phase changes (water to steam) that complicate interpretation.
• Rossi used a relative humidity meter during some demonstrations and erroneously reached steam quality conclusions.
• All of Rossi’s demonstrations are witness tests. Rossi runs them. Guests watch or participate under Rossi’s supervision. There are no known independent third party tests.
• Conclusively validating ECat energy generation is easy, yet Rossi has never allowed it.
• Despite claims of continuous operation for days, weeks and months, actual demonstrations have only lasted for hours.
• The Defkalion partnership with Rossi ended up a fiasco.
• The claimed major American investor and 1 MW demonstration in the United States ended up as a fiasco.
• Rossi claims that he has a fusion reaction but that there is no gamma or neutron radiation found in fusion reactions.
• There are no known ECat collaborators. Close colleague Focardi states that he has no knowledge of key ECat technology. Rossi has made it clear that the ECat is his show and no one else. Rossi also states that in the event of his death, he has organized ECat commercialization to continue.
• Despite claims of huge ECat energy release, even the most optimistic interpretation of demonstration data shows modest energy.
• Rossi states that ECat probably doesn’t work due to cold fusion, but due to weak interactions between nuclei without actual fusion happening. Contradicting this, Rossi states that ECat fuses nickel and hydrogen protons to produce copper.
• Rossi thinks that he can easily send fusion reactors to the United States with no Customs or government issues.
• Rossi’s pretentiously named Journal of Nuclear Physics in reality is his own personal blog. He claims that papers published on his blog are peer-reviewed.
• Despite supposedly being consumed by his ECat work, Rossi spends a lot of time on his blog.
• One of the advisers for the Journal of Nuclear Physics is Michael Melich. Melich styles himself as a covert intelligence agent tasked by the U.S. government to promote and keep an eye on cold fusion.
• Another adviser is Professor George Kelly of the University of New Hampshire. The University does not know of any such professor. There was a Professor George Kelly but he was in the field of Psychology. That Professor George Kelly is dead.
• Rossi’s blog is heavily moderated to screen out posts that ask tough questions.
• With the exception of one Italian patent, Rossi has been unsuccessful getting ECat patents.
• Large heat release from nickel in a hydrogen atmosphere has been known in industry for over 50 years. ‘Anomalous’ heat from nickel/hydrogen reactions was first recorded in 1936.
• Rossi (and Focardi) have been unsuccessful in getting published in mainstream peer-reviewed scientific journals.
• Despite numerous statements of ECat testing at Universities of Uppsala, Stockholm and Bologna, no tests have taken place to date.
• Despite numerous misleading indications, Rossi has no endorsement from the University of Bologna. Endorsements from folks like Focardi and Levi, are personal. The head of the University of Bologna physics department is embarrassed by the things Focardi has said.
• Rossi claims that an ECat installed in 2007 operates 24 hours a day providing heat to the EON factory at via Carlo Ragazzi 18 in Bondeno. EON is owned by Rossi. Rossi also claims he is producing hot water in his home with an ECat. There has been no independent confirmation of either application.
• Despite claims of successful, continuous operation at EON, the ECat did not run in September 2011 in front of NASA and a potential third party investor during a two-day period.
• Rossi says he has received no compensation for his ECat yet AmpEnergo is said to have granted money to Rossi.
• Rossi claims that once he gets proceeds from ECat sales, 50% of the money will be used for expansion and 50% to treat children with cancer. Rossi says he will personally look for families who cannot afford the treatment for their children.
• Rossi claims that his ECat will use Stirling engines to produce electricity despite the fact that the largest known Stirling engine is only 0.75 MW.
• Professor Peter Ekstrom of Lund University calls Rossi’s invention a scam and pseudoscience. His statement is based on the unlikelihood of a chemical reaction being strong enough to break the Coulomb barrier, the lack of gamma radiation, the lack of explanation for the claimed excess energy, the lack of expected radiation after fusing a proton with nickel, the unexplained presence of 11% iron in the spent fuel, and the fact that the 10% copper in the spent fuel had the same isotope ratios as natural copper. He also questioned the steam velocity and the possibility of liquid water in the ECat outlet tube.
• Nuclear chemist Camillo Franchini says that the Energy Catalyst can’t work properly because it doesn’t follow the laws of physics.
• ECat fusion theory is sparse, basically consisting of hydrogen atoms penetrating nickel to produce copper and release energy.
• Rossi was caught on-camera at the electric input controls during a Mats Lewan demonstration.
• The majority of ECat demonstrations only include specifically Rossi invited guests.[/quote]
Svindel eller ikke, det begynner å bevege seg MYE penger i dette spillet... 200 millioner Euro er nevnt på Videre er en E-cat på 1 MW klar for test neste helg (28.10). Dette skal være for en kunde i USA.. Ser for meg at noen ved ett og annet kontor kommet til å heve et øyenbryn ved tolldeklarering inn i USA på "1 stk kjernereaktor".
Når det gjelder argumentet med at Rossi ikke har fått penger (enda), så er det jo ikke alle som har penger som motiv, det kan være andre motiver.
Det er jo folk som er så syke i hodet at de dreper sine egene barn bare for å få oppmerksomhet.. Hvorfor ikke lyge om en energienhet for å få oppmerksomhet?
Du var fornøyd selv med den Torango, myye bedre enn svindelpåstandene du har blitt litt rævkjørt på.
For det er litt vanskelig å påstå at Rossi vil svindle folk når han ikke lar noen få investere eller kjøpe noe av prosjektet. Ikke skriver han artikler heller som en kan påstå er svindel eller feilaktige. Da er det mye bedre å snakke om Etterstad Barnehage. Hørte du skulle ha stand på Etterstad Barnehage om svindelfaren i barnehagen.
Myye svindel du kan ta tak i barnehagen Torango.
Langt sprang fra en test til en underavdeling for Rossi og CBB i Etterstad barnehage.
11/01354-1 X
Dok.dato: 21072011 Jour.dato: 29072011
Arkivdel: SAK01
Tilg. kode: UO Par.: Offl § 23 første ledd
Avsender: Eiendomsavdelingen
Sak: Anskaffelse av CBB- energisentral med tilhørende Best Board system - Fou- prosjekt
Dok: Drammensveien 33 B - Skillebekk barnehage - anskaffelse av CBB energisentral med
Best Board system - FOU prosjekt - signert kontrakt
Saksansv: Eiendomsavdelingen
Saksbeh: Eiendomsavdelingen
11/01354-2 X
Dok.dato: 19072011 Jour.dato: 29072011
Arkivdel: SAK01
Tilg. kode: UO Par.: Offl § 23 første ledd
Avsender: Eiendomsavdelingen
Sak: Anskaffelse av CBB- energisentral med tilhørende Best Board system - Fou- prosjekt
Dok: Etterstad barnehager - anskaffelse av CBB energisentral med Best Board system - FOU
prosjekt - kontrakt til signering
Saksansv: Eiendomsavdelingen
Saksbeh: Eiendomsavdelingen
Byggeblog bad:
(Og at CBB forblir i CBB tråden)
For å trekke oss inn på sporet igjen så ble denne postet her for en uke siden:
Rossi avviste denne siden først som svindel, men har siden "akseptert" den:
[quote="AR"]October 12th, 2011 at 1:54 AM
Dear Zeus AND Mr John Michell:
Now I see: I didn’t check the site, I receive too much emails to read the links…Probably this has been an excess of enthusiasm due to a misunderstanding. Please, Mr John Michell: just take it off and the case is closed.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi[/quote]
For the record, siden er fremdeles operativ.
I Freaud diskusjonen (rundt den siden til John Michell) har en bruker "Thicket" laget en laaang liste med indisier på at dette er svindel
October 12, 2011 - 4:45 pm | Permalink
In my opinion, there is no irrefutable evidence that Rossi does or does not have what he claims. Nevertheless, there is a preponderance of information and evidence that the ECat claims are not real. Here is a partial list of information and evidence.
• University of Uppsala measured nickel and copper compounds in Rossi-supplied used ECat catalyst. Swedish physics professor Kjell Aleklett stated that copper isotope ratios were found to be the same as in nature and not what would be expected from a fusion reaction. Also, the percentage of copper was too high for any known nickel reaction.
• Kullander and Essen’s trip to witness an ECat demonstration was paid for by Rossi.
• Rossi claims that there is a self-destruct mechanism on the E-cat fusion reactor that prohibits unauthorized inspection of the internals.
• Rossi has five criminal convictions including two jail terms for the ‘sheik of Brianza’. Rossi was a fraud.
• Petroldragon was a failed venture. Despite claims of technology that converted waste to oil, there is no evidence of any oil production.
• Thermoelectric converter technology provided for the U.S. Department of Defense was a failure. Only eight of twenty-seven devices functioned. They produced 1 watt of power versus the 800 to 1000 watts claimed. Later devices produced no more than regular devices commercially available.
• Rossi has a fraudulent degree from fraudulent Kensington University.
• Rossi claims that the ECat is ready for commercialization, yet he appeals to folks to come up with a cold fusion plant design that he will pay for. He wants it to cost around 500 Euros per kW. He needs it in the next two months.
• NASA study shows that steam production from a Rossi demonstration could come from electrical heater input.
• Julian Brown from the European Patent Office was a Rossi supporter. He witnessed an ECat demonstration and concluded that the ECat technology wasn’t real.
• Long-time LENR supporter, and initial Rossi supporter Steven Krivit changes his mind after witnessing an ECat demonstration.
• Rossi says that there are no Ecats except with him. Rossi also says that there are 97 Ecats in continuous operation in 4 countries.
• Rossi says that the ECat operates at about 500 deg.C. Rossi also says that the ECat operates at about 1500 deg. C which is above the melting point of nickel used in his catalyst.
• Rossi calls detractors ‘snakes and clowns’, some paid, with various despicable agendas. He states that he is being blackmailed.
• Rossi has had at least twelve ‘demonstrations’, none of which have credibly demonstrated the ECat technology.
• The latest October 6 ECat demonstration is saddled with extraneous unnecessary equipment (e.g. heat exchanger) that complicate measurements.
• The October ECat demonstration weight measurements were determined by a bathroom digital scale calibrated by two men who knew their weight.
• Rossi’s demonstrations show small temperature differences when a simple reduction in water flow would show large and easily measurable temperatures difference.
• Rossi’s public demonstrations usually have unnecessary phase changes (water to steam) that complicate interpretation.
• Rossi used a relative humidity meter during some demonstrations and erroneously reached steam quality conclusions.
• All of Rossi’s demonstrations are witness tests. Rossi runs them. Guests watch or participate under Rossi’s supervision. There are no known independent third party tests.
• Conclusively validating ECat energy generation is easy, yet Rossi has never allowed it.
• Despite claims of continuous operation for days, weeks and months, actual demonstrations have only lasted for hours.
• The Defkalion partnership with Rossi ended up a fiasco.
• The claimed major American investor and 1 MW demonstration in the United States ended up as a fiasco.
• Rossi claims that he has a fusion reaction but that there is no gamma or neutron radiation found in fusion reactions.
• There are no known ECat collaborators. Close colleague Focardi states that he has no knowledge of key ECat technology. Rossi has made it clear that the ECat is his show and no one else. Rossi also states that in the event of his death, he has organized ECat commercialization to continue.
• Despite claims of huge ECat energy release, even the most optimistic interpretation of demonstration data shows modest energy.
• Rossi states that ECat probably doesn’t work due to cold fusion, but due to weak interactions between nuclei without actual fusion happening. Contradicting this, Rossi states that ECat fuses nickel and hydrogen protons to produce copper.
• Rossi thinks that he can easily send fusion reactors to the United States with no Customs or government issues.
• Rossi’s pretentiously named Journal of Nuclear Physics in reality is his own personal blog. He claims that papers published on his blog are peer-reviewed.
• Despite supposedly being consumed by his ECat work, Rossi spends a lot of time on his blog.
• One of the advisers for the Journal of Nuclear Physics is Michael Melich. Melich styles himself as a covert intelligence agent tasked by the U.S. government to promote and keep an eye on cold fusion.
• Another adviser is Professor George Kelly of the University of New Hampshire. The University does not know of any such professor. There was a Professor George Kelly but he was in the field of Psychology. That Professor George Kelly is dead.
• Rossi’s blog is heavily moderated to screen out posts that ask tough questions.
• With the exception of one Italian patent, Rossi has been unsuccessful getting ECat patents.
• Large heat release from nickel in a hydrogen atmosphere has been known in industry for over 50 years. ‘Anomalous’ heat from nickel/hydrogen reactions was first recorded in 1936.
• Rossi (and Focardi) have been unsuccessful in getting published in mainstream peer-reviewed scientific journals.
• Despite numerous statements of ECat testing at Universities of Uppsala, Stockholm and Bologna, no tests have taken place to date.
• Despite numerous misleading indications, Rossi has no endorsement from the University of Bologna. Endorsements from folks like Focardi and Levi, are personal. The head of the University of Bologna physics department is embarrassed by the things Focardi has said.
• Rossi claims that an ECat installed in 2007 operates 24 hours a day providing heat to the EON factory at via Carlo Ragazzi 18 in Bondeno. EON is owned by Rossi. Rossi also claims he is producing hot water in his home with an ECat. There has been no independent confirmation of either application.
• Despite claims of successful, continuous operation at EON, the ECat did not run in September 2011 in front of NASA and a potential third party investor during a two-day period.
• Rossi says he has received no compensation for his ECat yet AmpEnergo is said to have granted money to Rossi.
• Rossi claims that once he gets proceeds from ECat sales, 50% of the money will be used for expansion and 50% to treat children with cancer. Rossi says he will personally look for families who cannot afford the treatment for their children.
• Rossi claims that his ECat will use Stirling engines to produce electricity despite the fact that the largest known Stirling engine is only 0.75 MW.
• Professor Peter Ekstrom of Lund University calls Rossi’s invention a scam and pseudoscience. His statement is based on the unlikelihood of a chemical reaction being strong enough to break the Coulomb barrier, the lack of gamma radiation, the lack of explanation for the claimed excess energy, the lack of expected radiation after fusing a proton with nickel, the unexplained presence of 11% iron in the spent fuel, and the fact that the 10% copper in the spent fuel had the same isotope ratios as natural copper. He also questioned the steam velocity and the possibility of liquid water in the ECat outlet tube.
• Nuclear chemist Camillo Franchini says that the Energy Catalyst can’t work properly because it doesn’t follow the laws of physics.
• ECat fusion theory is sparse, basically consisting of hydrogen atoms penetrating nickel to produce copper and release energy.
• Rossi was caught on-camera at the electric input controls during a Mats Lewan demonstration.
• The majority of ECat demonstrations only include specifically Rossi invited guests.[/quote]
Svindel eller ikke, det begynner å bevege seg MYE penger i dette spillet... 200 millioner Euro er nevnt på
Videre er en E-cat på 1 MW klar for test neste helg (28.10). Dette skal være for en kunde i USA..
Ser for meg at noen ved ett og annet kontor kommet til å heve et øyenbryn ved tolldeklarering inn i USA på "1 stk kjernereaktor".
Når det gjelder argumentet med at Rossi ikke har fått penger (enda), så er det jo ikke alle som har penger som motiv, det kan være andre motiver.
Det er jo folk som er så syke i hodet at de dreper sine egene barn bare for å få oppmerksomhet..
Hvorfor ikke lyge om en energienhet for å få oppmerksomhet?